

The Maimed Lord, The Whispered One, The Master of All That Is Secret and Hidden

Vecna (veck-nuh), deity of secrets, was once a mortal king who became a lich. He usually appears as a lich who is missing his left hand and left eye. He lost his hand and eye in a fight with his traitorous vampiric lieutenant, Kas the Bloody-Handed. Vecna rules that which is not meant to be known and that which people wish to keep secret.


Vecna plots the destruction of the other deities so that he may take the world for himself.

According to Vecna, there exists a secret that can destroy any being, no matter how powerful that being is. In the middle of every heart hides a seed of darkness kept hidden from all but the self. Finding that secret evil and exploiting it is the key to undoing one’s enemies. Strength and power, says Vecna, come from knowing and controlling what others do not. He also admonishes his followers never to reveal all that they know.

Clergy and Temples

Vecna’s clerics subvert governments, seduce good folk to evil, and plot the eventual control of the world. Naturally, these plans mean that their lives are forfeit if they are discovered, and they are very secretive to prevent this. They can be found in any part of the world, spreading evil or looking for documents or items that date back to their master’s ancient empire. Of particular interest are their master’s relics (his hand and eye), which have once again been lost. Black and red are their favored colors.

Vecna’s priesthood is made up of isolated cells of cultists who seek dark, arcane secrets to further their evil schemes. Temples to Vecna serve as bases and safe houses for his clerics. They are always well hidden and warded against unauthorized entry. They usually also include vast archives of information, secrets that Vecna’s clerics have uncovered over the centuries.