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Castle Crawl
- It’s around midday and, at the foyer of the castle, the party decides to move.
- But before they search the rooms they’ve been to.
- They enter a storage room with barrels and a find a bloody chainmail, a heavy crossbow, and a longsword.
- Dwolf inspects the longsword and notices the symbol of the Haven’s Guard on it.
- Brannus listens to the door to the west, hears deep voices, but does not understand the words.
- Droop listens too and recognizes that it’s not the voice of goblins.
- “It could be the more furry ones, or the less furry ones”, he says.
- The party surmises that it’s bugbears or hobgoblins.
- The party discusses how to deal with the situation for a bit.
- While they do this, Nori is walking around looking for trouble.
- While wandering around, the familiar cat makes a mistake and triggers a trap in the foyer.
- It barely escapes falling rocks from the ceiling!
- The noise attracts the attention of the denizens of the room next to where the party is.
- The door opens from the inside and the party is faced with a few hobgoblins.
- A fight breaks between the groups.
- Kiara one-shots a hobgoblin into the arrow slit.
- Sigmar, after charging into the room, hits a hobgoblin in the gut from below lifting it off the ground after which it slumps to the ground dead.
- The defeat the hobgoblins, and after the fight the they inspect the room.
- It’s visibly much cleaner than previous ones and it looks like equal parts an armory and barracks.
- A myriad of weapons are on the walls.
- After inspecting the weapon racks, Sigmar takes a finely carved quarterstaff.
- Meanwhile, Brannus tries to listen to the door on the east side of the storage room but he hears nothing.
- Dwolf opens the door slowly and sees a bloody altar on the room ahead.
- Two very poorly hidden goblins are crouching behind it.
- Brannus casts prestidigitation on the far side of the room, causing a loud sound.
- One of the goblins yelps!
- Dwolf calls out in goblinoid and one of the dumb goblins gets up and responds.
- When he sees the dwarf he charges to attack, while the other goblin stays behind pelting arrows.
- A fight ensues.
- After charging Dwolf, the first goblin blocks the way in for a few seconds.
- He is defeated, and after that Sigmar rushes in but trips on the altar and almost falls flat on his face.
- Brannus tries to attack the same goblin but fails horribly and hits Sigmar instead!
- After these mishaps, however, they easily defeat the goblin acolytes and find themselves in an old human chapel.
- The chapel was converted to be a place of worship of Maglubiyet, the Mighty One of goblinoids.
- At the sight of this, Droop just panics:
- He just seems unable to function around this place out of fear.
- The party tries to reassure him and fails.
- Kiara offers to carry him, and he meekly accepts.
- They look at the altar closely and find layers of blood.
- They try to understand if it’s human blood, but it’s hard to tell.
- South of the chapel, two large curtains block the way forward.
- The dwarves each look from one and find a large room covered in darkness.
- They see no one, but the ranger hears a noise.
- Sigmar boldly walks in, and finds a goblin in improvised clerical garbs hiding next to a unlit brazier.
- The goblin insults him for defiling his chamber of worship and proclaims that his “pet” will exact his vengeance.
- He calls for it.
- A monstrous snake like creature with a tentacles and a beak on its face drops from the ceiling and prepares to attack!
- The party is very quick to react and attacks the horrifying creature first.
- Dwolf slices it with his magical longsword.
- Kiara hits it with her eldritch blast.
- After dispatching the goblin “priest” Sigmar rushes in, and with a bone-crushing blow kills the creature.
- It all happens in a surprisingly low amount of seconds and the party barely breaks a sweat.
- Looking at the corpse of the creature, Dwolf believes it to be a grick.