
In a far away place, beyond the limits of comprehension and the depths of the multiverse, stands the planet of Orth. Blessed by gods but shaped by mortals, Orth is set in a fortuitous star system orbiting a nearly perfect sphere that burns brightly with wide orange-hued flares. Human scholars dubbed it Pel in honour of Pelor, the Shining One.

Traversing the void with Orth, two moons weave orbits around it: the pale silver giant Runov, and the small umber-colored Estea.


A day in Orth takes 24 hours, and a week is 7 days. A month is 4 weeks, and year is completed in 12 months for a total of 336 days.

The moons of Orth have regular cycles, with Runov completing one in 28 days, while Estea does the same in only 7 days.


The regularity of the moons' cycles, coupled with their alignment with the solar year, provides the basis for a common calendar used by most people on Eridor.


The phases of Estea are so reliable that they have become synonym with the cadence of a week. When referring to a particular day it is common to simply shorthand it to the dominant phase during it:


When aggregating weeks into months the nomenclature used varies somewhat according to culture and geography. In the northern hemisphere the year starts with the coming of Spring, and wherever humanity is most prevalent these are the names used for each of the twelve months:





Putting it all together

It was Rise, in the 8th of the month of Harvesting, when Karek left the city, heading south. The road that wound along the coast felt safe and well travelled – an uncommon, but welcome, feeling. He would make good time, and expected to reach the outpost long before the month of Felling was underway.