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The Goblin Cave
- The adventure resumes at the entrance of the cave
- It’s around 3pm
- They find a sort of kennel to the right side of the tunnel
- The three wolves there are not happy to see the party
- Dwolf tries, but fails to calm them down
- Surprisingly Brannus is able to soothe the wolves for long enough to explore the cave
- They find a dumping ground fed by a vertical shaft
- The uneasiness of the wolves leads them to ignore it and return to the main path
- Moving forward along the path by the stream, they notice a steep passage to the west, over the stream
- They ignore it for the moment because they see a bridge, in the distance, on the main path
- Sigmar notices a shadowy figure on the bridge trying to sneak away
- They pause deciding on what to do
- A few moments later, the roaring of water comes crashing down on the party
- Brannus and Dwolf manage to jump to safety onto the passage
- Kiara and Sigmar are dragged by the water, and hurt in the process
- Bruised and low on energy, the party retreats
- It takes them another hour, but they return to the main road, finding nothing disturbed
- Dwolf helps the party conceal themselves, and forages for food for the day
- It’s around 6pm when they start to rest
- They take turns watching, but nothing happens
- For a “main” road to a village, it’s oddly quiet throughout the late afternoon
- Around 2am they start moving to return to the hideout
- The walk for another hour
- They find no trouble along the way
- But the trail has begun being cleaned in the meantime
- The snare is gone
- The pit is wide open
- Back at the cave entrance, two goblins are resting by a fire in the blind
- The party is noisy and the goblins are alerted
- One goblin is zapped by Kiara immediately
- The second goblin runs inside to cry for help
- Is spotted by a patrol
- Gets hit by Dwolf and falls in the water
- Sigmar finishes him off
- A few moments later the second flood reaches the party
- It was released too soon, this time
- The party beelines to the end of the main path
- They reach a twin pools cave, and notice the pools' dams
- Dwolf stealthly moves in to investigate
- Before he can search, he notices a goblin lookout in the upper plateau
- He is not noticed
- Dwolf follows a set of stairs to the plateau and is noticed by a second lookout
- The party defeats the pair
- Investigating the cave,
- The notice a pulley system to crack both the dams on demand
- Find nothing in the cave
- Dwolf creeps to the main stairs south of this cavern
- Sees no one, but notices light flickering
- The party decides to ignore it, for now
- Following an alternative path to the west, they realize it leads them to the bridge
- The bridge is shaky, but safe
- They follow along a narrow corridor, and reach the top of the steep passage they noticed before
- Next to it, and entrance to another room
- Light flickers
- Sigmar creeps in
- He notices the smell of dirty goblins mixed with cook-fire
- One goblin with his back towards the “door” tends the pots
- Two other are sleeping
- The goblin is not surprised, but has no weapons
- The other two goblins stir
- What looks like the leader emerges from a platform above the room
- He has a bruised human with him
- The party, pressured by Sigmar, does not stop the attack
- Sigmar casts a spell, but does not hit the leader
- Kiara hits him, but does not kill him
- Brannus joins the fray, praying for a divine Blessing
- The two sleeping goblins finally rise and prepare for battle
- The leader – in a rage – hits the human and throws him on the floor below
- He charges
- Kiara finishes him off
- One of the two sleepy goblins is killed by Dwolf
- Seeing no escape possible, the final goblin surrenders
- The party stabilizes the dying human, and prepares to interrogate their prisoner